Where Is The Team Off To This Week?

Monday 30 April 2018

The travelling never stops for our Advantage Agriculture team. 

This week, Monday through to Thursday… Brian will be travelling to Townsville, Brandon, Ayr, Home Hill, Bowen & Proserpine visiting all of the local distributors. On Friday, in very exciting news, Brian will be at the Mt Ossa Shed Meetings & following up on our soil tests in Mt Ossa. Stay tuned for Thursday’s post on all the information on where to find Brian at the Mt Ossa Shed Meeting.

All the way down the bottom of Australia, our Sales Agronomist Rebekah Smart joined by Advantage Agriculture’s director Pasquale Rombola will be travelling to Tasmania to visit all the key Robert Merchandise stores.

Our National Sales Manager, Jason Gadsden will be making his way around Gatton, Toowoomba, Warwick & Stanthorpe visiting the local distributors and teaching the agronomists about the benefits of #Ozcal#Ozcalmag & #Ozgyp

If any of our Agronomists or Salespeople are heading out your way and you’d like the chance to have a chat about Ozcal, OzcalMag, Ozgyp or Humisol 1300 562 182